Sunday, 21 August 2011

Warehouse Sale

It' s Sunday already and waking up at almost twelve isn't very good if you want your weekend to last longer. I guess the drinking from last night knocked me off a little longer than I expected and now it feels like I wasted my Sunday. Aargh!
Anyways, I went over for a warehouse sale after lunch, hoping to pick up some good bargains, especially that I'm in need for some new shorts. And, when I reached the place, boy, was it packed with people. Finding a place to park was already bad, the heat from the sun, just made it worse.
After a while, I manage to find  a spot to squeeze my Suzi in and braved myself through the sun into the arena where the sale was being held. There was another wave of people and kids running around like little minions. Gosh, I hate misbehaved kids!
Anyways, after rounds of walking and walking, I did not manage to find anything that either suited my taste or my waist. So much for being a common size. But nevertheless, me being me, I still found some other things to buy and did spend quite some amount of money.
Warehouse sales are just not my thing as I normally end up buying more things than I need and spend more money than I should. But then again, shopping helps me play my part in contributing to the economy from shrinking and feel better, for a short stint. Haha!

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