Tuesday 13 March 2012

Don't FUCK With Me!

Okay, here's the deal. 

I am at an emotional low right now; the fact that I don't have the answers that I want in hand is killing me from within. 
And when I'm low, I'm never nice to those who try to be funny with me. I know we didn't start off the on the right foot, things were said and exchanged. I was still very much civilized with you nevertheless. 
If you want to make peace, just apologize or tell me why I would need to apologize to you. Do NOT play dirty tricks and tactics with me. I will trace and track you down. I've gotten your IP address, I know who you are.

Don't FUCK with me or you'll be sorry as I wont spare you this time around. Consider this as a chance to come clean or stay away - do not step on my tail or cross my line. 
I'm really not that nice of a person.


  1. I won't ask u to calm down since u wont be contend with it. just dont torture urself over some dumb and idiot. u been in enough predicament ard

    btw, is there any other way for me to bother u other than in ur own blog?haha :)

    1. you are right there, but the rage is a momentary effect. my temper is like excited electrons and this is my best avenue to channel it out as no one gets hurt.

      you can get me at snipers range; my email. im also on MSN and now skype, thanks to mOnkeybOy :)

    2. hahaha...ok i'll add u so that i have more ppl to bother..preparing proposal can be quite boring and stressful..so need someone to kacau once a while..haha =P

    3. my msn and skype id ain't the same as my email. you'd need to drop me a mail to get either..lolz

    4. hahaha...i ard did but ur email look a bit weird to me. got such thing as '.ymail.com'??nvr heard of ymail..huhu

    5. hahaha...wait til u see my msn email...lolz. i've replied ur mail btw

  2. why are u full of hate now ....isnt it bad
