Sunday, 2 October 2011

Blonde Moment?

'People who don't know you may know you better than people who know you' - this is what one of my friends told me some time ago. I never really figured it out. I was like what the heck? How can someone who doesn't know me know me while someone who knows me doesn't know me. Confusing right?

It still doesn't make much sense except for the fact that another friend of mine, an internet friend for almost three years now, told me the same thing. The only difference, he sent me an off-liner. I'm now waiting for him to get back online so I could ask him what the hell does it mean. Maybe I'm just having an extended blonde moment :(

And yea..I did miss my rantings, just been too busy off late and never really found the time to be faithful to myself.


  1. I think what the quote means is that the person who doesn't know you (in real life or in person) may know you more and know you well better than your friends who know you in person.

    Don't you feel that sometimes you can just pour out to a stranger online through MSN chat even though you two have not met each other?

  2. Calvin: it's true, at times its easier talking to a stranger rather than someone you know. and maybe that because you don't have to be pretentious talking to a stranger...
