Monday, 27 February 2012

Self Esteem

I was chatting with mOnkeybOy last night on MSN when it was acting up and he suggested that we chat on Skype instead. I said okay and we were chatting there instead. And as quite the usual, he fell a sleep mid way chatting, gosh-how boring I am, but he prolly was just too tired swinging on trees all day long :D
I'm so going to pay for it when, if, he reads this.

Anyways, as I was about to sign out, I got an IM from a long lost friend. It has been that long that I forgot about him as well. We were just chatting and he started sharing out a lot of stuff with me out of the blues. One thing I realized from the conversation is that this guy was running low on self esteem. This, low self esteem, is something I've since realized that is quite common amongst many nowadays. Or maybe from before, but I never took notice then.

Most tend to have low self esteem simply because they think they don't look good. So, how do you define looking good? What, when and where do you draw the line between beautiful and ugly? As far as I've known, beauty is always a subjective matter, hence the saying "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".

It's so sad to see that many living in today's world are so materialistic and shallow. Why don't people see the inner beauty of someone rather than what appears on the outside. The looks you have can and will change. Aging is something that is unavoidable. Accidents could scar you too.
I know I said that physical attraction is important in my previous rant on the ideal partner. Just to be clear before I get quoted; what I meant by physical attraction is that you need to be attracted to a particular person, and it doesn't mean that if you're not attracted to that person then he/she is ugly.

So common, stop having such low self esteem just because someone is not attracted to you, or if you don't have a partner or drive a big car. 
Be proud of yourself. Whatever you have today is an achievement. Never feel belittled. 
And nothing is more beautiful than self confidence. You need to have it, and once you have that self confidence in you, everything will work out well. Self confidence is the key to most of your success. Anything that you undertake with the right amount of confidence will definitely be successful and I'll stand by that. 
If anything I've learned through the years is this besides the enjoyments of shopping but not paying the bill.

I just hope he is feeling better now. I don't like knowing people I know are not happy, it makes me sad.


  1. lol, the last one "If anything I've learned through the years is this besides the enjoyments of shopping but not paying the bill.", wth~ such a BIG TURNOVER, XDDDDD

    anyhow, gosh bro, you are still as motivating as you are, :P

    1. now you have an inside to how my crooked mind works....lolz
      wei...dont sell me so high lah, i just blabber only, hardly motivate :)

  2. yeah, as long u have confidence in urself, nothing else matters ^^ another great post from u xD

    1. another great post from me? like seriously? joking right...oh wait, it was supposed to be sarcastic right..hahaha. anwyays, tx man!

  3. hey , great blog , care to add me on msn ?

    1. hi zhenyu27, thanks for dropping by.
      do drop me a mail at and we can exchange msn address :)
