While many talk about the May 13 incident that happen way before most of those discussing it like they had experienced the incident first hand, I have my own share for this date. However, mine doesn't draw back to what happened 44 years ago; I'm just too young for that.
My phone beeped at one sharp this morning when I was out having a drink with my friend with a message reading "happy anniversary". At the back of my head, I was counting back to how many months since I've known him and have we been going out this long?
I have to admit that I did become a little absent minded off late with so many things going around me and me constantly thinking of a few things at a go. I do remember when I go for my breaks so the math didn't seem quite right.
Anyways, for those close to me, they very much know that I got to know him when I went to Indonesia last August and met him for the first time back in October. I still very much remember the look on his face when I gave him his birthday gift over dinner as we chatted through the night. I was so attracted to him, that I flew back within a fortnight to meet him once more and successfully persuaded him to accompany me on a shopping hop-over in Bandung.
It was on this date, six months ago in our room, in a beautiful villa which had a huge ceiling height glass panel overlooking the valley beneath where he told me that he felt the same for me and agreed for us to be just more than friends. It is a night to remember, the night where I was the happiest boy in the world.
Six wonderful months have passed, lots have happen. We have had good times laughing together, then there were quarrels and arguments, him nursing me, surviving an opera which felt like eternity for me, constantly getting caught checking out other guys, whining over mall food, shopping together like there was no tomorrow, grocery shopping to cooking at home (it was disaster spelled in every language), stuffing him with all the Penang food, to tongue darting right in the middle of a club - thankfully it was a gay friendly club and I swear it was the alcohol that caused it, to name a few.
I just am happy that I've met him and where we are currently. I don't want to think too much the future is still a blank canvas that we paint on each day making it present to only look back at what's been painted, known as the past. For now, I'm looking forward to meeting him next week and us spending time together understanding each other more and getting closer while he puts up with more of my nonsense along the way.
I love you Stinky!